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study and life...

 British universities offer educational programs that are the best in the world, and with the availability of means, your educational attainment will be affected positively.

You can live in a university residence, or rent a room or shared housing with a group (and this is better) when you can cook halal food and adhere to your religion without embarrassment.

Make sure to choose accommodation close to metro stations and far from the city center, so that you do not burden yourself with high rent, and save you effort, costs and time by choosing the right place.

You will feel extraordinarily safe especially if you come from a country with war, however

In Britain, you may encounter the prime minister on the street, so do not be surprised, but do not detract from anyone’s value, as you may make a simple mistake and find yourself facing a charge of contempt or any other charge ... the laws are strict.

Do not be surprised if you see a person worshiping an animal, or you see homosexuals in the street, or you hear a person publicly deny the existence of God, or hear an opponent publicly cursing his king or his boss, or you see a miracle.

Racism exists wherever you go and travel, but in Britain there is a very small percentage, and it is very rare to be treated with racism, as there is a great ethnic diversity in this country.                                       

Whatever your religion, there is a temple for you, do not worry, even if you are an atheist, there is the community of atheists, if you believe in the Flat Earth, there is the Flat Earth Society ... Do not worry about this aspect, everyone is free in his belief.


Do not be generous and keep your money and help with sums that you do not regret later, because in distress you will only find your family in your country of origin and you will drown them in debt, so in Britain if an amount goes out of your pocket, do not expect it to return.


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